Environmental Issues
Air pollution is caused environmental news not only by fumes from factories, but also in car exhaust that individuals can significantly reduce prevent selfish behavior and the use of public transportation and carpooling instead of private cars Environmental Issues .
environmental news
People can reduce pollution of the ground and reducing the amount of waste reject regularly. We Environmental Issues could avoid drinking coffee in plastic cups or plastic shopping bags. Neighbors and friends can share environmental news some tools that do not use much as screwdrivers, drills, and scales to reduce the amount of waste and the amount of smoke from factories, while production also.
Environmental environmental news Issues
Each of us can reduce the amount of popcorn eaters not encourage farmers to cut trees and clear forests to grow more corn. We write on both sides of paper so that we do not cut trees.
Environmental Issues environmental news
You do not know that trees are the lungs of the Earth? They provide us oxygen, medicines and help prevent soil erosion even less importance in providing habitat for many species of birds and animals in danger of Environmental Issues environmental news extinction.
Water is a natural resource still many places around the world face the risk of water shortages environmental news and Environmental Issues famine. That is why everyone should stick with simple actions like not letting the water run while washing dishes.
Environmental Issues We also need to save energy by reducing electricity consumption. Even if environmental news you are a child, you can help your environment. Actually help the environment is not a matter of age, but a question of will: Here are seven ways to help:
Environmental Issues
1 - Use both sides of a sheet of paper to draw, write or paint.
environmental news
2 - Save trees used to make paper using a lunch box instead of a paper bag or plastic every day.
Environmental Issues
3 - Do not throw trash environmental news on the floor and pick up trash that looks at school or in your neighborhood.
4 - Help recycle everything that can be recycled, such as plastic bags, bottles and toys, aluminum Environmental Issues cans, paper cups and glass.
5 - Help save water by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth and using less water in your Environmental Issues bathtub or shower.
6 - Do not leave the lights on while you sleep.
Environmental Issues
7 - Cycling or walking as much as possible instead of being driven by their parents in a car.
environmental news
Environmental Issues Be green, help your environment, even if you are a small child with simple actions that are repeated every day. A simple action can make a difference. Your planet needs.
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